
János Kormos - guitar


I think we met at the beginning of the 80s' in the music school, but our first opportunity to play together was at the 1996 recording of the 9:30 album. He arrived, "Hello", guitar on shoulder, amp in right hand, bag of the effect pedals in left hand. He went right to the recording room, plugged in everything in 2 minutes, the sound was immediately perfect, turned the music on, the first take (Ikaros) was perfect, so was the next tune. Unplugged, guitar back on shoulder, amp in right hand, effects in left, "Good-bye". The whole thing was like a musical tsunami: quick and effective.

According to the facts

He has been heard in several jazz & pop productions as a session musician, among his permanent bands, he has been in Peter Szendofi's Fusio Group the longest.