
Jamie Winchester - rap


I think, for a few years both of us were playing in Enikő Almási's Band and that was when I made the first 9:30 album. For the rap part of the first number (Cars, planes, boats and trains) I was looking for someone and Jamie offered to do it. I don't know all of his productions but I am almost certain that it was the first and the last time (as well) in which he could be heard as a rapper.

According to the facts

He started his musical carrier in 1990 in the formation Baba Yaga, then as a vocalist and rhythm guitar player. He has been asked to perform by several well-known artists (Zsuzsa Koncz, Sándor Révész, Charlie, Ákos, Jazz + Az, László Tolcsvay, Tibor Tátrai, Andrea Malek and Pierrot). He's been a founder member of rock group Boom-Boom.