II. Lengyelfi Miklós - basszusgitár
II. Lengyelfi Miklós - basszusgitár
"The very moment the idea of Endre-eNerd came to my mind, I knew I wanted a bass player who doesn't just play a single instrument, but can take care of the low end of the music, regardless of how it is generated and is also interested in sound design. Then it was no question who to call."
Rob van de Wouw - trombita
Rob van de Wouw - trombita
"When I first heard him playing on his 'Tunnelvision' album, I thought he'd do a great job in the Endre-eNerd project for which I just finished writing the first sketches and was still working hard on finalizing the drum setup. I intentionally didn't send him too much stuff before the rehearsals so that we wouldn't lose spontaneity and I was literally blown away how perfectly his playing matched my ideas at the first rehearsal and the others were no less excited about his playing."
Mohai Tamás - gitár
Mohai Tamás - gitár
"Although we met in the early '80's, we had no chance to play together until 1995. I invited him to join us for our first 9:30 record, but after spending half a day in the studio he suggested that we should find someone else (Jano Kormos stepped in later). I really appreciated the fact that Tamas did not make a big fuss about admitting that he wasn't right for the band. Nonetheless we continued to maintain our friendship and have had several productions together. I know very few musicians who alongside being great musicians practice good moral."
Zsemlye Sándor ˝Zsömi˝ - szaxofon
Zsemlye Sándor ˝Zsömi˝ - szaxofon
"He is the only musician who participated in every movement of my solo projects, including all albums and concerts. He is my favorite saxophone player and not just because of his sound or perpetual dissatisfaction and perfectionism frequently bordering on the ridiculous. But also because, unlike many solo instrument players, he does not abuse rhythms, does not adopt the attitude that "time is a matter for the rhythm section", so a soloist can play any note any time without consequences, but instead – in parallel to free play – he is also aware of how long a semiquaver lasts and this is expressed through his playing, too."
Kozma Orsi - vokál
Kozma Orsi - vokál
Mindig elfogult leszek vele. 18 éves kora óta ismerem, az első igazi stúdiófelvételeit velem csinálta, amikor megpróbáltam a Sandra Granttal írt Brainwash számokat Bornai Tibor szövegeivel magyarul is felvenni. Éveken át képtelen voltam élőben megnézni, mert jobban izgultam, mint egy apuka a kislánya vizsgakoncertjén, pedig akkor már olyan produkciókon volt túl, mint a Jazz+Az, a Valahol Európában vagy a Dzsungel könyve... A stúdiómunkák alatt mindig meglepett, amikor a számítógépen kirajzolódott, hogy milyen elképesztő ritmikai precizitással tudja felépíteni a többszólamú vokálokat. Sokan azt hiszik, nehéz ember, de valójában csak túl érzékeny és nagyon lelkiismeretes.